In a heart-pounding thriller, the infamous ‘Sweet Sixteen Killer’ emerges from the shadows after a 35-year absence, fixating on a new prey: 17-year-old Jamie. A sudden twist of fate propels Jamie back in time to 1987, armed with knowledge of the impending peril. Determined to thwart the killer’s murderous rampage before it begins, the narrative unfolds as a high-stakes race against time, rife with suspense and shocking revelations. Jamie grapples with the intricacies of time travel, where every past choice bears life-altering consequences. As history hangs in the balance, can Jamie rewrite destiny and halt the killer’s reign of terror? This gripping tale delves into the enigma of time manipulation and the relentless battle against a merciless murderer. Follow Soap2day Horror Movies for more.
Totally Killer Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Totally Killer (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Horror
Director: Nahnatchka Khan
Writer: David Matalon, Sasha Perl-Raver, Jen D’Angelo
Stars: Kiernan Shipka, Olivia Holt, Charlie Gillespie